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Why you need your boiler serviced

Boilers are a core machine within our home, however we don’t always give them the love and attention they deserve. Many of us have a tendency to leave our boilers running and forget about them until something goes wrong and it turns our world upside down.

Boilers are like cars, our cars need servicing and legally have to have MOTs on a yearly basis once they hit a certain age. Our boilers should be no different, without regular servicing things can go wrong suddenly and cause upheaval. Not only that, regular services help ensure that they are running safely and not causing any damage the environment we’re living in.

A regular serviced boiler will also run more efficiently which in turn will help ensure that the costs for running your boiler are under control. A boiler that is working harder than it should to keep up with demand may waste fuel and energy to keep working. Having a service will identify any such problems and can be altered to help reduce any excess energy waste.

We advise our customers to service their boiler every 6-12 months, and it is a simple procedure that can be arranged at your convenience. A boiler service can quickly identify if any parts are tiring out as well as check that your boiler is running at its optimum levels. Once the service is completed we will give you a full debrief of what we’ve found and whether you need to consider any follow up work. Sometimes no follow up work will even be required so you will be done there and then!

If you are interested in getting your boiler serviced, contact us today to book an appointment.