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What is the difference between a boiler and a heat pump?

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a boiler and a heat pump? You wouldn’t be alone. They’re very different from one another, and it’s important to know the differences so that you can ensure that you look after yours well.


Water in a boiler is heated to the temperature that you set on the outside of the boiler. This will then be used to create more heat as well as providing hot water. This will then keep the commercial or residential space warm and the water hot, too. Boilers are an effective and efficient solution to heating issues no matter where you are, and there are a range of boiler types. There are electric boilers, gas and oil boilers, there are combi boiler options, too.

Heat Pumps

Some people prefer to use heat pumps over boilers as they come with their own set of advantages. They’re efficient with their energy consumption, but it’s often boilers that come out on top. Heat pumps work a little differently to a boiler in that they are often more complicated to use. Most heat pumps have liquid refrigerant as an option and setting them up as a device is not the easiest thing to do.

Most residential and commercial premises do better with boilers over heat pumps, and you can use the help of the best boiler repair companies to ensure that if there is an issue, you can keep up with it!