Many people wonder how a new boiler can save you money, or if it even does at all. When trying to weigh up whether a new boiler is worth it or not, you need to consider the upfront cost as well as the potential savings you can make further down the line. There are a few major ways that upgrading your boiler will save you money.
First, you will save money on maintenance costs. You can’t live without your boiler, so if it breaks down, you will have to call somebody out to fix it right away. When this starts happening a lot, which it is more likely to with old boilers, you’ll soon find yourself spending a lot of money on repairs. Add up those costs and you’ll find that it would have been cheaper and less disruptive to replace the boiler earlier on.
Second, a new boiler is more efficient, so you’ll make big energy savings. If you want to cut your energy bill, you may decide to insulate your home or replace the windows, for example. But insulating throughout can easily cost more than a new boiler and an upgrade to your heating system is usually more effective. An old G-rated boiler has only around 60% efficiency, which means that 40% of the energy you pay for is wasted, regardless of how well you insulate your home. A brand-new boiler, on the other hand, is likely to have more than 95% efficiency, which translates to some big energy savings.
The simple answer to the question of how a new boiler can save you money? It’s more efficient and cheaper to maintain, so you should seriously consider upgrading yours.