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5 signs you need a new boiler

The majority of boilers are dependable and can provide years of trouble-free service. They do, however, have a limited lifetime and as many people have discovered to their dismay, they can and do fail and break down without notice. However, there are some tell-tale signs that it’s time to replace or repair an old, worn-out boiler.

1: Unfamiliar noises

We all know the sound of a healthy, efficient boiler. It is barely noticeable; a low humming noise that fades into the background. So, if your boiler starts making whirring, screeching, whistling, clanking, or any other sounds you have never heard before, there’s a chance that it will need replacing.

2: Leaks

You don’t want leaks in a boiler, especially when you consider a central heating system uses a combination of water, gas, and electricity to work. A water leak from your boiler could cause significant damage both to your home and other parts of the boiler. You must contact an engineer as soon as possible before it gets worse and becomes dangerous.

3: It is not heating your home properly

It is surprising how long we can tolerate a system that simply does not work. It’s time to call an engineer if your heating takes a long time to turn on, the house is never quite warm enough, or you’re always running out of hot water.

4: Your energy bills have unexpectedly gone up

If your bills have shot up without warning, there is a good chance your boiler is on the way out. It is probably working in overdrive to compensate for the problem, costing you more.

5: There are smells coming from your boiler

A boiler should never smell. Any odours coming from it mean there is something very wrong and potentially dangerous. If you smell anything, it is time to call an engineer in to isolate it and replace it.